


Tanja Hohluchte, Main Director

Tanja became a trained Kindergarten teacher in 2001 and since then has been volunteering and working with many different age groups in a wide variety of settings. She has continued her education both in germany and while traveling abroad; (TOEIC) test of English for International Communication, Waldorf seminars, music, yoga, as well as volunteering in various institutions. In 2008 she formed her own company, "Vrindhavan-Kindergarten PVD. LTD. Since than she is creating and developing with the help of many teachers (mainly Spain) Vrindhavan- Kindergarten.



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Volunteer Staff

We have an amazing group of people from all over the world helping as volunteers at our kindi. Their knowledge and experience enhance our beautiful kindergarten in so many ways. All of our Volunteers are either trained teachers, currently in training in this field or very experienced with children.

Our Philosophy

We do not wish to be “labeled” as any specific kind of Kindergarten in particular, we would like to keep our free spirit.


We have been working in different kinds of settings and have lots of experience with children, so we try to combine a variety of educational and creative experiences...


☀ to encourage the physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of the child.


☀ to create a safe, stable and caring environment, which will support the child while being away from her/his home country.


☀to experience nature and learn to take care of it.


The most important thing for us is to create a place where “children can be children”, to be creative, to develop their imagination and fantasy and to meet other children.


Vrindhavan Kindergarten Goa


What We Offer

At Vrindhavan Kindergarten we offer a fun learning environment for children during their time with us. The centerpiece of our mornings is free- play, creative and unstructured play, indoors and outdoors- the true work, joy and developmental training grounds of young children. We view play as the serious work of childhood, and learning by doing provides the foundation for active imagination, problem solving and creative thinking. Play helps them understand the world and to develop socially and emotionally. Here they can learn in a holistic way using their senses, body, language, imagination, sympathy, and emotions.


Our aim is to offer a program for the children to achieve a balance between free play and activities to encourage independence and the joy in joining together as a group. We also provide a variety of educational and creative experiences to encourage the physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of children. The children are exposed to games, stories, nature studies, theater, science activities, arts and crafts…all in a playful way.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge." -Albert Einstein-


Vrindhavan Kindergaten Goa